Celebrate five amazing books full of magic, passion, and destiny. Author,
C.L. Wilson's Tairen Soul series concludes with her newest release,
Crown of Crystal Flame.
The first of the five-book series was
Lord of the Fading Lands published in the fall of 2007. The following excerpt is from the back cover of
Lord of the Fading Lands:
Once he had scorched the world. Once he had driven back overwhelming darkness. Once he had loved with such passion, his name was legend... Tairen Soul. Now a thousand years later, a new threat calls him from the Fading Lands, back into the world that had cost him so dearly. Now an ancient, familiar evil is regaining its strength, and a new voice beckons him -- more compelling, more seductive, more maddening than before.I'm hooked! :)
The Lord of the Fading Lands came
The Lady of Light and Shadows,
King of Sword and Sky,
Queen of Song and Souls, and now
Crown of Crystal Flame.If you're looking for beautifully crafted stories with lush descriptions, a fully imagined world filled with fascinating characters, a sweeping romance, magic and destiny, pick up
C.L. Wilson's Tairen Soul books today.