Where did the year go?
And where's my inspiration?

Ahh. There it is.
There's nothing like the pristine beauty of nature to put the harsh realities of life back into perspective.
This past year was not my most productive year in regards to writing or my other objectives. I had ambitious goals for 2009 -- some were achieved, but I fell short in attaining all of them. In reflection there are several reasons (or excuses) I could share....but I won't. ;)
In regards to my writing, I did begin a new novel -- my third -- and I'm very excited about the story. I also worked on revisions on my second book. Even so, my ambitions were rather high, so I did not accomplish all I intended.

I did lose weight, although I ended up dealing with major stress and put half of it back on. (Okay maybe a tad more than half) and I queried only two agents instead of the dozens I had planned.
While it was a difficult year for me personally and professionally, I'm looking ahead to 2010 with a positive attitude, a fresh set of goals, and eager anticipation for a very productive year!

...bring it on!
All the photos were taken in Maine. :)