There is always something keeping me from just sitting down and writing. My WIP needs so much work it's paralyzing my creative muse.
What to do, where to go??

I visited Maine this summer and had the immense pleasure of kayaking on this tranquil, pristine lake. No sign of human life for miles around. (Well, except for my friends)
My idea of heaven!
With this idyllic image in my head I shall move forward and attempt to rediscover my creative flow and my story. All my characters are sitting around, sipping coffee, taking a break -- hoping I'll leave them alone.
Okay gang, wake up and prepare to be shoved back into conflict and strife! I'm back....
Cindy -- I hope you come out of your slump soon. Beautiful photo! I just set it as my work wallpaper.
The photo was taken near Moosehead Lake. I think this body of water is Spencer Lake. We drove many miles along unpaved, unmarked roads to reach this area. It was so beautiful, calm and quiet -- simply perfect.
I understand about writing slumps....been there many times! Climb back into the chair, place your fingers on the keys and see where your characters take you...
I have no doubt you will be back in the saddle soon!!
I love the photo, too! Breathtaking...
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