I recently went into my file where I keep all the names, dates, and other pertinent information in regards to contacting agents and editors. It had been a while since I visited this not-so-long list of who and when I sent a query, so I was shocked to learn I queried exactly two agents in all of 2008. What!?
My pursuit to get published will never become a reality with this kind of I'll do it tomorrow attitude. As mentioned in my earlier post about Goals, I have a strong personality trait (flaw) called procrastination. Never so evident as in my search for a literary agent.
I truly admire the writers who are working diligently to get their projects out there. It is the difference between getting noticed with a contract in hand....or never getting published. Keep in mind, however, if you are searching for an agent or publisher, make absolutely certain you have a finished, polished manuscript! Don't waste their time or yours with a project that's not proficient and needs major revisions.
Writing everyday has become an attainable objective for me, now I need to work on the challenge of sending out query letters to agents. My completed romantic suspense Summer Light is ready to be considered for publication. As an active member of Romance Writers of America and the Tampa Area Romance Authors, I have many resources available to me to augment my quest for an agent. Through the national RWA website, there is information -- for members only -- on the latest agents and publishers.
Time to get busy! :)
Cindy -- I think you're on the right track (two agents makes a start)! If I can find a way to finance a trip south this spring, I look forward to reading the rest of book 2 and maybe a peek at book 3. Miss you:)
Thanks for the encouraging words, Robin. :) I hope to get many more queries out there. I'm hoping to enter a few more contests this year too. I know a couple of people who sold their books through contest wins. :)
Hi Cynthia,
I need to get going on this, too. It takes a lot of time but hopefully, it's worth it! Good-luck this year!
Your other sis.
(Can't wait to see you in April!)
Hi Cindy. Sounds like you're on the right track. I'm sure if I took a look at my records, I was equally lax in 2008. But, it's never too late to get those queries out there. Good luck.
The key is not to get discouraged by what you haven't done, but energized to do more! Which sounds exactly like the direction you are taking. This is all hard work! I admire all of you putting your work out there.
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