Every year I make New Years resolutions, whether written down on a piece of paper -- soon to be lost in a wave of endless clutter on my desk -- or locked away in the file cabinet of my mind.
This year I'm feeling particularly hopeful toward my resolutions and about keeping them. One resolution I have made over and over for the past dozen years or so, is about my writing. My lists have included various columns that have read something like this: Write everyday, write more, finish book, start new book, finish 1st book, think about next book, think about another book, write down ideas, learn to write, give up writing, don't give up writing, send out queries, write a synopsis...
During the past couple of years, I have finally achieved several writing goals. I have a novel completed with a second one nearly finished, and the beginnings of a third. I write almost everyday -- no matter what. I have been more consistent with my blog postings, and have a finished synopsis for my completed novel.

I definitely feel a sense of accomplishment in my world of writing. There is more work to do and I still have writing resolutions on my 2009 list.
Another aspect of my life that requires attention is my weight and health. My lists over the years regarding this area have included the following: eat less, exercise more, lose weight, walk everyday, walk three times a week, walk two times a week, walk sometimes, drink more water, give up ice cream, no more candy, cut down on beer, buy skim milk, eat more salads... hmm. Well, you get the idea.
I won't bore you with my actual list of resolutions for the coming year, just know it will include the obligatory weight and writing items. :)
Also, a special thank you to my little buddy, Mickey, for keeping me in the race, heading for the goal.

Happy 2009! You're an inspiration to all of us with the goals you have set and met. Like you, my yearly mantra is "Write more, exercise more." Maybe this year all will come true ...
You can do it, Robin. It really is all about setting the goals, and making it work by blending the changes into your daily schedule.
Happy 2009 to you and all the boys!
Great pictures. I love your resolution lists. I tend to shy away from resolutions because if I don't follow through, then I feel crappy about it. I generally set my expectations low so I am always pleasantly surprised. Just like a good Democrat.
I actually do, in my little head, make lists. I just don't say them out loud. It might take away their power. Us Smiths can't help but make lists. I think we get it from Mom; she always had a number of lists going at once. But I digress.
Good luck with your writing in the new year.
Happy New Year from Cindy's, Robin's, Laurie's and Dell's Mom. Yes, I love to make lists. I always have a few lists going. Most of all I like checking off an item that is finished. Happy writing to all. Muriel
Congratulations on all you've accomplished!! Amazing, all of it. I guess I've got the list thing too :) Here's hoping we all get our items checked off this year!
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