Sunday, September 22, 2013


I'm not certain what happened -- other than life speeding by faster than a F5 hurricane -- but one minute it was February and now it's the first day of Fall. The old cliché: In the blink of an eye comes to mind.
I visited a local retail store yesterday, here in my hometown, and was surprised to discover their Christmas displays were out in full force. Really? Snows I'm looking at you.

Meanwhile, I've been busy with writing, working the day job, fighting the snarls of summer traffic that comes with living on the coast of New England, and trying to stay focused and organized. Never easy.

The first order of business -- start posting on my blog again! So here I am.

Check back soon (very soon!) as I present some of my favorite authors and many of their new books. :)


Robin Smith-Johnson said...

Fall has always seemed like the start of the year with fresh promises. Let's keep writing and sharing our stories!

Dell Smith said...

Welcome back to the bloggy world of blogs. I look forward to more blogging from my favorite romantic suspense writer!