Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Published Friends

In the past few weeks, several members of my local RWA chapter, Tampa Area Romance Authors, have had new books published.

First I would like to say a special congratulations to Elissa Wilds on the publication of her first book Between Light and Dark. Elissa's book is a paranormal story full of magic and romance.

C.L. Wilson's third book in her Tairen Soul series, King of Sword and Sky was released at the end of October. King of Sword and Sky continues the epic journey of Rain Tairen Soul through the mystical fantasy of the Fading Lands.

Two weeks ago, Virginia Henley's newest book, The Decadent Duke was released. No one can match Virginia's blend of historical accuracy and passionate romance. Her sweeping, sensual romances are always a delight.

Check your local bookstores for Between Light and Dark, King of Sword and Sky, and The Decadent Duke!


Anonymous said...

I think it's great that you are showcasing RWA writers on your blog. If I'm lucky, I hope to find a copy of Elissa Wild's new book. It sounds intriguing. Paranormal is the new hot trend, I think. Happy Thanksgiving!

Cynthia Sherrick said...

Paranormal stories are definitely hot, hot! :)

Dell Smith said...

Hopefully they'll soon be plugging the hot debut romance by Cynthia Sherrick.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog. Lots of interesting things going on in the world of ROMANCE. Happy Thanksgiving! Muriel

Cynthia Sherrick said...

Thanks, Dell. :)

Cynthia Sherrick said...

Thanks for reading my blog and leaving comments! I appreciate the support. :)